Terms and Pricing

AmboGraphics is not a corporate giant.  I'm not in this business to make buckets of money.  I do this because I love creating unique web graphics and web sites.  I will try to quote you a price that is fair and stick to that price.  I will let you know immediately if I think your project is going over budget, and if that happens, I will explain why and give you options on how to proceed.

I am not a web programming guru.  If you are looking for technical wizardry, or to be dazzled by cutting-edge web programming techniques, there are plenty of high-end web design services out there.  I cannot compete with them, and I wouldn't want to try.  I don't use Flash.  I don't build storefronts or web sites that need to communicate with databases of any kind.  What I do build are simple yet tastefully artistic web sites that are as much pleasurable to view as they are informative.  

I am not an internet marketing expert.  I cannot tell you how to drive thousands of customers to your web site, or how to get your web site placed in the top 10 search results on Google.  There are lots of internet marketing services that claim they can do these things.  I am not one of them.

What I can and will do is treat your design project with the care and attention to detail that it deserves.  I will answer your questions to the best of my ability.  I will reply to your emails and respond to your requests in a professional and timely manner.  And I will never tell you I can do something that I cannot.  That's my promise.

Every web site is different.  That's why I never provide design quotes without first consulting with you about what you want to achieve.  If it's custom graphics you want, we will first need to discuss the look and feel you are trying to achieve.  If it's a web site you need, we will first start by discussing the purpose of your web site, what you want it to contain, and general design considerations like color and style.  Our initial consultations are free of charge, and neither of us is under any obligation to continue beyond that stage.  Once I have gathered enough information, I will be able to tell you if I can design the graphics or web site you want, and give you cost and time estimates.  If you decide to proceed, I will require a deposit to begin work for you.

Design is not an exact science.  It is a very personal thing.  If you have looked at the work I've presented here, you know that I am not in the business of creating graphics or web sites that look like everything else on the internet.  That being said, coming up with a fresh, appealing design that you will love is likely to be an effort in which you will need be involved to some degree.  Without your involvement, I will most likely not be able to have any success creating a web site that satisfies you.  And that is my goal.  So, before contacting me, please be sure you can devote the time needed to complete your web project.

To give you some idea what you can expect to spend, I've compiled a short list of VERY general cost estimates.  Your costs could be more or less, depending on your exact needs.


Simple logo, usually consisting of some text effect and simple design element.


Custom theme and graphic elements (dividers, buttons, or small decorations) for your web designer to use.  Includes a simple logo.  No web site design included.


Three page personal or business website: informational in nature, containing up to 10 photos, custom theme, and simple logo.
NOTE: No interactive content is included.


Six page personal or business website: informational in nature, containing up to 3 pages of photos, custom theme, and simple logo.  Guestbook also included.
NOTE: Except for guestbook, no interactive content is included.


One year domain registration and one year web hosting account.  This price includes cost of services and complete setup.

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